Four Year Olds

Childcare For A Four Year Old

We offer a 4 year old preschool program from 9 am until 11 am. This is not to be confused with the school district 4K program. In the program, we continue to expand on letter and number recognition and writing, math (patterns, shapes, rote counting, etc.), and fine motor skills. We use a creative curriculum in the center, so we have a theme of the week that we work specifically on. We take pride in the fact that we get to help these children get ready to go to school next year and help in the best ways we know how.

In the afternoon we have a relaxed schedule with nap time, story time, snack time, and station play.

Staff are all trained and maintain training in CPR. They have also completed coursework on Shaken Baby Syndrome. All of the staff at Kyria Child Care Center maintain their education by working on continuing education hours every year. Our staff understand that children grow at their own rate, and accommodate that by working with the child on their level.

Ratio: One Teacher to Thirteen Children

Accepting Ages: 4 Years+

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